04 May, 2024

devops new syllabus

 # DevOps Syllabus

## Introduction to DevOps

- What is DevOps?

- DevOps principles

- DevOps tools and technologies

## Version Control with Git

- Introduction to Git

- Git commands

- Branching and Merging in Git

- Git workflows

## Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

- Introduction to CI/CD

- Jenkins for CI/CD

- Building CI/CD pipelines

## Configuration Management

- Introduction to Configuration Management

- Ansible

- Puppet

- Chef

## Containerization with Docker

- Introduction to Docker

- Docker commands

- Dockerfile

- Docker Compose

## Orchestration with Kubernetes

- Introduction to Kubernetes

- Kubernetes architecture

- Deploying applications in Kubernetes

- Kubernetes services

## Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

- Introduction to IaC

- Terraform

- AWS CloudFormation

## Monitoring and Logging

- Introduction to Monitoring and Logging

- Prometheus and Grafana

- ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana)

## Cloud Platforms

- Introduction to AWS

- Introduction to Azure

- Introduction to Google Cloud Platform

## DevOps Best Practices

- Microservices

- Twelve-Factor App

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