04 May, 2024

devops assignment


  1. Git and GitHub

    • Create a GitHub repository and clone it to your local machine.
    • Create a new branch, make changes to a file, commit the changes, and push the branch to GitHub.
    • Open a pull request for your branch and merge it into the main branch.
  2. CI/CD with Jenkins

    • Install Jenkins on your local machine or a virtual machine.
    • Create a Jenkins pipeline that builds and tests a simple application whenever changes are pushed to the main branch.
  3. Configuration Management with Ansible

    • Write an Ansible playbook that installs a web server on a target machine and deploys a simple web page.
  4. Containerization with Docker

    • Write a Dockerfile that builds a Docker image for a simple web application.
    • Run the Docker image on your local machine and access the web application in your browser.
  5. Orchestration with Kubernetes

    • Install Minikube on your local machine.
    • Write a Kubernetes deployment that runs multiple instances of your Docker image.
    • Expose the deployment with a Kubernetes service and access the web application in your browser.
  6. Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

    • Write a Terraform configuration that creates a virtual machine in a cloud provider of your choice.
    • Apply the Terraform configuration and verify that the virtual machine was created.
  7. Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana

    • Install Prometheus and Grafana on your local machine or a virtual machine.
    • Configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from a target of your choice.
    • Create a Grafana dashboard that displays the metrics.
  8. Cloud Platforms

    • Create an AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud account and familiarize yourself with the console.
    • Deploy a simple application to the cloud platform and access it over the internet.

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